片野坂 俊樹(情報連携学研究科博士前期課程1年・Khan研究室)、Fahim Khan准教授と坂村健教授(INIAD学部長)による共著論文「Quiz and Treasures: Development of a Web-based Learning Platform using Gamification」が、2021年7月11日~16日にオンラインで開催された国際会議 10th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics(IIAI-AAI 2021)において、「Honorable Mention Award」(特別賞)を受賞しました。IIAI-AAIは、毎年、数百人規模の開催される国際会議で、「Honorable Mention Award」はその中から査読スコアの高かった上位の論文に与えられます。会議のProceedingsはIEEE Computer Societyによって出版され、IEEE XploreおよびIEEE CSDL(Scopus登録誌)にアーカイブされます。
The paper titled “Quiz and Treasures: Development of a Web-based Learning Platform using Gamification,” co-authored by Toshiki Katanosaka (1st year Master’s student at Khan Lab, INIAD) Fahim Khan (Associate Professor at INIAD) and Ken Sakamura (Dean of INIAD) has won Honorable Mention Award at the 10th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics 2021. Featuring 8 conferences, the congress was sponsored by the International Institute of Applied Informatics (IIAI), and due to the ongoing pandemic, it was held online from July 11 to 16. The congress proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society, and archived in IEEE Xplore and IEEE CSDL (Scopus-indexed).