Information written in English can be found below.
- 事前にINIADが提供する教材を用いてPython「プログラミング」の学習を進められること
- 高校で学習する範囲の数学(数学I・Ⅱ・A・B・C)を理解していること
【2025年4月入学対象】AO型推薦入試 (INIAD MOOCs型)
1. Googleアカウントの作成
2. エントリー
3. 学習〈AO型推薦入試(コンピュータ・サイエンス型)を除く〉
4. 受験申し込み
5. 事前適性審査
事前適性審査の基準を満たした方には、出願資格を満たしている証明となる 「事前適性審査受験証明書(※)」を発行しますので、入学試験の出願時に提出してください。
Information about INIAD Admissions
We have adopted the preliminary aptitude screening exam as one of the eligibility requirements for the INIAD admissions such as ”総合型選抜”, “学校推薦型選抜” and “特別入試”.
If you wish to take the entrance examination using the above-mentioned system, you are required to take the preliminary aptitude screening exam and meet the certain criteria set by the INIAD faculty by the application period for the entrance examination.
For more details other than the preliminary aptitude screening exam, please be sure to read the Application Guide.
There are admission systems available in English at the faculty of INIAD. However, all the classes at INIAD will be offered in Japanese as a general rule.
The Preliminary Aptitude Screening Exam on Each Admission System
Applicants are required to work on the assignments set on each admission system and take the preliminary aptitude screening exam.
The preliminary aptitude screening exam is conducted online. Therefore, applicants do not need to come to our campus.
Applicants are asked to prepare a personal computer with an internet connection on their own, beforehand.
Those who already have sufficient experience in computer science.
The application requirement is that you have made your developed software public on GitHub.
Those who have the ability and motivation to study Programming on their own.
Applicants do not need to have programming experience when applying, but must complete the following requirements.
- Study Python programming with materials provided by the INIAD faculty in advance.
- Understand mathematics at the Japanese high school level (Math I, II, A, B and C).
【2025年4月入学対象】AO型推薦入試 (INIAD MOOCs型)
【For April and September 2025 enrollment】Online Entrance Examination Offered to International Applicants
Flow of the Preliminary Aptitude Screening Exam
The preliminary aptitude screening exam is implemented in the following steps.
1.Create a Google account
Applicants are required to use their personal Google account for the preliminary aptitude screening exam.
If you do not have a Google account, please be sure to create a new one.
*Accounts assigned by your school or accounts of your family members cannot be used for the exam.
Please complete your entry, filling in necessary information on the following form.
【The Preliminary Aptitude Screening Exam】Entry form
The web site link for the preliminary aptitude screening exam will be sent to the registered email address after the entry.
You can find information on how to take the preliminary aptitude screening exam through the web site.
(After you complete the entry for once, you can access the website at any time.)
If you do not receive any information from us within one week upon the entry, please contact our email address:
3. Self-Study <excluding applicants for AO型推薦入試(コンピュータ・サイエンス型)>
As for programming, applicants are expected to study Python on their own, using materials provided by INIAD on the “Web Site for Preliminary Aptitude Screening Exam”.
For both programming and mathematics, examples of past questions are posted on the above website for reference.
4. Apply for the Preliminary Aptitude Screening Exam
The dates and number of the preliminary aptitude screening exam can be taken, vary depending on the admission systems.
Applicants are required to apply for the preliminary aptitude screening exam via the web site before each application deadline.
*To take the exam, applicants are required to complete this application as well as the entry.
5. Take the Preliminary Aptitude Screening Exam
Please be sure to take the exam alone, in a place where there are no other people around you such as your own room.
We will issue the certificate* for those who meet the criteria of preliminary aptitude screening exam, which will need to be submitted when applying for the entrance examination.
*The certificate of preliminary aptitude screening exam issued between August 2024 and February 2025 will be valid for the entrance examination for enrollment in April and September 2025.
After passing the entrance examination such as an interview, you will be admitted to the university.
We will confirm your understandings related to the preliminary aptitude screening exam at the entrance examination as well.
You will need to continue your study after the preliminary aptitude screening exam.